Programs first...

...then everything else. 

BRV creates active, clean, safe, and densely-used public spaces that are financially self-sustaining. The following principles guide our work:

  • Great public spaces are critical to revitalizing neighborhoods, increasing property values, and improving safety.

  • We think about park programming first, and advise on complementary public space design later. Activities, comfort, and safety create places where people want to be. Structures and surfaces don't.

  • Public-private partnerships, governments, private property owners, and non-profits can all create great public spaces. There is is no single correct park management strategy, and we work with all types of clients.

  • Public spaces should be financially self-sustaining, rather than reliant on grants or donations. We advise all clients on how to achieve this.

  • Successful parks require the best and most efficient operations and staffing structures possible.

  • A park is never "done". We believe in trying new things constantly.

  • This work is complicated, and it takes time. We like a challenge. We hope you do too.